Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

Angie Ao

“Comfort media” is a Gen Z term that can be defined as “media that one can use to turn their brain off for 
a bit.” In an era of web accessibility and media exposure, it can be an overwhelming task to find peace or unwind. A favorite lullaby, book, or movie can bring about a state of relaxation. I am interested in exploring “comfort media” because of its therapeutic effects. I aim to unpack why we become attached to certain media as processing mechanisms.

In some cultures, comfort media has affected spaces such as fandoms, idol fans, and cinephiles to the point of obsession. I want to analyze how fans develop a taste for comfort media and explain why they gravitate towards a certain type of media. I document the origins of “comfort media” in Gen Z 
and trace how web accessibility has affected our generation’s perception of experiences and memories through the “comfort items” I love: baseball caps, manga/comic books, and keychains.

There are events where people can celebrate comfort media at local expos such as Anime Boston, PAX East, and FAN EXPO. To those without strong attachments to comfort media, it may seem odd to develop a lifestyle or even career around it. Perhaps it is living vicariously through this media that people like me find contentment.

I want to evaluate the cycle of comfort media through sustained engagement. Utilizing investigative journalism, fanart, and narrative illustration I seek to produce similarly comforting methods of making (because that is just how my brain works).

Fall Final Crit, 2023. Photography. Varied.

Thoughts On Thesis Selected Spreads, 2023. 
Adobe InDesign. 7.75 × 10 in.

Flight Animation, 2023. Procreate. 8.5 × 11 in.

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts