Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

Dan Galvin 


Sardonicism: A Multimedia Collection of Social Commentary via Satire

The tempo of the modern world is driven by ephemeral fads and an unrelenting volume of fast news. As a result, the human attention span is the shortest it has ever been. We forget about ongoing calamities as soon as a new one arises. All the while social trends cycle in and out of an endless torrent of news updates. The world of visual arts has become oversaturated with superficial analyses and copycat creators, resulting in a dearth of social commentary within the field today.

Leaning into my affinity for comedy and illustration, I have designed a series of animations, merchandise, and installations titled Sardonicism. These projects are aimed at recontextualizing their respective mediums while satirizing both local and global events. Sardonicism acts as a collection of social commentaries which provide viewers with both physical and digital forms to relate to, contemplate, and enjoy. I critically reimagine these forms in response to the rapid pace of media culture, which has drained the art from satire. This installation reanimates the relationship between art and humor through a satirical look at elements of the frantic human experience of the 21st century.

It is ironic that an abundance of accessible media outlets and digital interconnectivity has made humankind more physically disconnected than ever. My thesis strives to unite people by showcasing a series of projects across multiple mediums. Each project critiques an issue that affects the public, and consequently connects us as people. This body of work is rooted in satire, generating dialogue that inspires relatability, reimagination, and unity.  

1. Disdainfully or skeptically humorous: derisively mocking (Merriam-Webster). 

2. Media culture refers to the culture created under the influence of mass media. The concept of media culture infers its impact on society’s information consumption and intellectual guidance. Media culture tend to be a major factor in the formation of mainstream culture since it affects society’s opinions, values, tastes, attitudes, and informational availability (Bharathidasan University).

MBTA Destiny, 2022, DTG printing on cotton shirt

The Wonderful Mr. Pip Generator, 2024, 4”x6”

Mall Santa, 2024, animation

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts