Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215



My art tells my story, channeling my emotions, vision, and experiences through various media. Visual art has always been the language through which I feel most comfortable and confident expressing my narratives. To me, “art” is a free-form, boundless, and organic term—the marks I make and the imaginative characters I create give form to intangible and complex thoughts and feelings. Through my work, I aim to share my perspective, seeking a connection with those who share similar thoughts and understandings. I hope my artworks can provide consolation and healing to the hearts and minds of those who experience them.

My practice begins with honesty and a desire to overcome my tendencies toward overprotection, doubt, and perfectionism. I set aside these inclinations in art, adopting an open mindset, embracing vulnerability, and accepting every process and mistake as part of my creative journey. Art is a medium to record and heal, with each step meticulously crafted by hand. My art is fueled by the challenge of facing inner turmoil, which often results from sleepless nights and internal criticism. I draw inspiration from my lowest points in life, transforming pain and shadow into messages of hope. Through my art, I confront my sadness, sometimes masking or hinting at it through fictional characters. These complex, unexplainable images and emotions find their form on paper. 

Technique, medium, style, and color are some of the variables I explore in my work. These elements may shift multiple times throughout the creation process, each alteration driven by how best to support and convey my message. While each art project is unique, I create connections through recurring natural elements, animals, or characters. I am drawn to printmaking for its diversity of techniques, from etching, monotype, and silkscreen, to digital, lithography, and relief. As an artist who thrives on hands-on creation and the meticulous crafting of delicate images, printmaking is an ideal medium.

Still, Finding My Way, 2023. Etching. 21 x 15 in.

Leaf Inside Pt.2: What you don’t SEE, 2024. Monotype and hand drawing. 27 x 18 in.

My Dark Secrets, 2023. Etching and Gum Transfer. 18 x 24 in.

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts