@visionsofherI work within my own physical and emotional experiences to create worlds that are not like our own and highlight the sensitivity of time that comes with being human. Accompanied by an exploration of saturated and unnatural color, my pieces become an adventure into my conscious and subconscious mind. Spending so much time in my own head, I take a diaristic approach to art making, which may not always be imbued with truth, but possesses an uncanniness beyond day-to-day life.
My work serves as a means to discover the ways in which I am thinking and moving about space, exploring in-between moments both remembered and forgotten, and invading the concepts of self-hood and vulnerability. I use acrylic and colored pencil together as modes of invoking certain feelings—mine or someone else’s—like a longing for what once was. I view my work as a self-portrait, whether it be of me, someone else, or an inanimate object. Each piece has been touched by me and my emotions to make a body of work that captures my essence.
Without these memories my garden of work would be dry, bitter, and unkept. They are an integral part of me, watering and nourishing what I create. I do not plan ahead, rather I throw the seeds and let them grow in whatever way they want. They twist, turn, and spread, surprising me with secret blooms of hidden parts of myself. I paint what I love for the sweetest yield.