Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

Joanna Jung 

In the age of seamless text communication, social media has exacerbated isolation by allowing users to adopt aliases, creating a disconnect from their real-life personas. Despite initial intentions, content often surpasses its intended audience, blurring the lines between personal expression and public scrutiny. A TikTok video posted by an Asian American son, detailing his mother’s struggles with various mental health conditions, becomes a virtual space for him to Scream Into the Void. Despite facing criticism, he continues posting, finding solace in audiences who relate to his content.

This story is just one among millions shared by individuals who view social media as an outlet for release. However, the loss of control over self-presentation, evident among more confined social circles, becomes apparent as content reaches larger audiences. The intersection of human connection and social media raises concerns about the extent to which technology shapes discourse and whether we are too comfortable allowing it to do so.

The impact of social media extends beyond platforms, with content posted on an incomprehensible scale. Reflecting on the current trajectory of technology prompts questions about the ethics of relinquishing control to algorithms that directly shape our conversations. Initiating critical discussions becomes crucial for balancing genuine human connection with technological influence.

Navigating these challenges has led me to experiment across analog, digital, and human realms, particularly through a website serving as a space to Scream Into the Void. Creating a “safe digital space” fosters trust, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in a personalized experience through conversational prompts, custom avatar personalization, and a void to scream and explore. This exploration is essential for visualizing human relationships amid technology's influence. As society grapples with the consequences of technology-driven interactions, finding a balance is vital to preserving authentic connections while critically assessing the role algorithms play in shaping human discourse.
Media & Human Connectivity Experiment 2024 22” x 17” in.

Mistranslate 2023 65” x 6” in. 
Thoughts on Thesis 2023 5.5” x 7” in

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts