Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

Leena Jang 


Sports are about more than competition; they are a vibrant world where excitement meets unity, and visuals play a crucial role in bringing this dynamic to life. My thesis explores sports graphics in basketball and the role that they play in our experience. I investigate how design enhances fan experiences in sports marketing, through innovative typefaces, color choices, cultural nuances, and storytelling. Additionally, I explore emerging technologies, such as augmented reality (AR), and their transformative impact on sports marketing. 

I also explore the broader significance of sports, emphasizing the value of both unity and individual narratives. The concept of “designing victory” encompasses not only  triumphs on the court, but also the diverse individual journeys within sports.

How does design shape our connection to the sports world? Does it bring fans closer to the action? Designing Victory serves as a platform for designers, sports professionals, and fans to deepen their appreciation for how design visually constructs the game. It celebrates their diverse stories and victories. This thesis highlights how sports bring people together regardless of their backgrounds or affiliations, emphasizing their inclusive power. Through Designing Victory, I hope to shine a light on the inclusive and unifying power of sports, encouraging a deeper appreciation of how graphic design is used as a tool for community-building and shaping our world.

NBA2K24: Season 2 Infographic, 2024. Adobe Photoshop. 1920x1080px

Dear Dall-E, 2023. Adobe InDesign. 6x6in.
Thoughts on Thesis, 2023. Adobe InDesign, Vellum, 
Hot Pressed Paper. 7.5x10in.

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts