Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

SaraH Nam


When I first started off as a graphic designer, I thought design could only be successful when it was original. I made a conscious effort to explore outside of my comfort zone to find new inspiration. It was only after fruitlessly searching that I began to understand the ways in which my influences depended on my surroundings, namely the people I interact with. 

This made me realize the essential nature of personal connection to shaping our design processes. Our work is not only the result of technical skill or aesthetic preferences, but also heavily influenced by our experiences, emotions, and connections to our surroundings. In design, I believe a personal connection to form, content, and materials is important to achieve meaningful outcomes. For me, passion and familiarity creates effective design. 

My thesis, Visualizing Identity: Exploring the Essence of Human Traits Through Graphic Design, showcases a physical archive of the people around me, exploring what makes a person through data visualization and informational design. Through data analysis, personal narratives, and interviews, I examine the intersections of personal connection and [X] to translate human identity through both objective and subjective lenses. Utilizing abstraction, this archive explores what creates a sense of identity within the realm of graphic design and makes connections between human nature and habits.
Thoughts on Thesis, 2023. 4.5 × 3.5 

In a Tin, 2023. 3.5 × 2 in.

Thesis Experimentation, 2024. 

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts