Stone Gallery   855 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215           808 Gallery  808 Commonwealth Ave.  Boston, MA 02215

Stella Lee 


New York City is my favorite city in the world, for it consistently teaches me invaluable lessons. This summer, I gained shocking insights into the city’s nightlife through the elusive “face card.” I discovered how women secured access to premier nightclubs, events, and expensive dinners seemingly for free, although the true cost was more profound. In a world deeply influenced by perceptions of beauty, my thesis endeavors to unravel the intricate dynamics surrounding so-called “pretty privilege.” This phenomenon, characterized by the preferential treatment and advantages bestowed upon the “conventionally attractive,” permeates various aspects of life, molding interactions, opportunities, and societal expectations.

My thesis uses historical analysis as an entry point to dive into the evolution of pretty privilege through different decades and cultural perspectives and examines how societal standards of beauty shape perceptions and opportunities. From the workplace and nightlife, to social and online settings, the influence of pretty privilege casts a significant shadow. It affects hiring decisions, social interactions, and even educational experiences.

My exploration of pretty privilege includes narratives, interviews, and personal anecdotes conveyed through user experience (UX), zines, posters, and installations. I aim to create spaces that spark deep conversations and recognize the widespread prevalence of this contentious. Through comprehensive analysis of both the digital and physical aspects of these safe spaces, I foster a deeper understanding of the emotional impact of pretty privilege, touching on both its empowering and dehumanizing dimensions.

Catalog of Influence, 2023. 5.5x7 in.

Impact & Empathy, 2023. Built Materials, Adobe Premiere Pro
Thoughts on Thesis, 2023. 5.5x7in

Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts